What week are we in? Hmm Week 9, Week 9 Lecture!!!


I’m feeling paticularly enthusiastic today, I am unsure why because I woke up in a horrible mood and as I facebooked ‘this mornings bad mood has no limitations’ anyway, turned out once I created a new outfit from two pieces I never thought to put together my mood was slightly improved. Anyway onto the lecture. Jason Nelson ‘a digital and hypermedia poet and artist’ according to Wikipedia. He talked about the internet as a utopia and claimed that while it has kind of happened, it hasn’t made any money. He basically said that The internet is still chaotic and that we are still confused with what to do with all this technology. Its kind of hard to summarise this as he said alot of different things but i’m trying my best. He mentioned how Rupert Murdoch bought Myspace for about $900 million dollars, which is wow like alot of money and apparently Myspace is dead now. Which I can totally believe because, in 2007 I got myspace, by the end of 2008 I was so so so over it. Poor Rupert. I think they are trying to bring myspace back to life but the truth is, is is well and truly gone. People have discovered Facebook and Twitter (I am so against twitter) I just cannot justify its purpose. I could scrape up some sort of rationalisation for Facebook if I really tried I suppose. He talked about the internet as an experimental space, which is definitley is, i mean what isnt possible online? And if it isn’t possible somebody will experiment to make it possible eventually. Then he showed us a whole heap of sites, like elf town. Pretty much concluded from that that people have some freakish interests and vampire rave. I never knew such sites existed, perhaps I should step outside my internet box and become a member of a weird internet group. Or even better, start a weird internet group. The possibilities are endless.

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