Archive for September, 2009

Digital media put the tools of production into the hands of the everyday computer user making it incredibly easy to produce content. These creative skills used to be something that people worked to develop. Now it appears that amateurs can produce content of a fair standard within a relatively short period of time. Where does […]

I’m feeling paticularly enthusiastic today, I am unsure why because I woke up in a horrible mood and as I facebooked ‘this mornings bad mood has no limitations’ anyway, turned out once I created a new outfit from two pieces I never thought to put together my mood was slightly improved. Anyway onto the lecture. […]

post secret




I have a new appreciation for new friends, the kind who are up for anything, always want to help, love to make plans, entertain my boredom, help my upload that stupid one minute video tutorial task. Just need to do the other one now. On the other hand, I would appreciate some civility among my […]

This is the slide show i made about my neighborhood!

week 7 lecture


bit late I know, this is based upon the notes i took in the lecture and my memory of what was covered in the lecture. The lecture topic was ‘Free Culture, Free Society’ The key things in relation to this were community collaboration and choice. We talked about the website which is a site […]

To start of with this weeks tutorial task I signed an online petition on care2 petition site. the petition was about allowing some artists and film makers to have a festival of films and documentaries featuring issues of the environment in Morrocco. The blog I found on the news site wasn’t really a political […]

flu loves me


But I hate flu, it stops me from eating, thinking clearly, breathing through my nose, feeling either hot or cold for a whole day instead of feeling hot one second and then freeezing cold the next, concentrating, which let me tell you I need to do with the growing amount of uni work I have. […]

Week 6 Lecture


Todays lecture was about video production and consumption This topic was familar to me again having studied film and television in high school. The lecture covered the big screens of life and then also the small screens. Which is speaking about the evolution of technology in media basically. The lecture also mentioned how at current, […]