week 5 lecture summary


This weeks lecture was based upon the media, social media and web 2.0. In this lecture Adam discussed technology and the media and the difference between the two, and yet how they are both linked. He also talked about Virtual Community and Identity Play. Virtual Community I believe is similar to what my blog on week 5 tutorial task is saying. As described in the lecture it is “when people carry on public discussions long enough with sufficient human feelings to form webs of personal relationships”. The idea of Identity play was also touched upon which I found incorporated with the tute task, so it was good to have an understanding of that. Another interesting part of the lecture was the mention of web 2.0 which I had actually never heard of previous to the lecture. Web 2.0 is according to the lecture notes a technical definition describing key technologies to do with the creation of web services. It is inclusive of features such as folksonomy- which is the organization of knowledge and the ability to tag on posts or photos. Another feature is the idea of user generated content, which refers to the photos, images, videos and text that people make and put on the internet, the other feauture mentioned was Open API which means sharing data openly between services on the net. Adam also touched upon social media which so far I believe this course has been focused on. He refered to social media as blogs/weblogs, social network services (facebook, myspace, twitter) and content sharing communities (flickr, deviant art, youtube). On the topic of social media Adam showed us something I found quite funny which was the idea of anti social media, he showed us the website isolatr which is basically the complete opposite to social media, it isnt about socialising, about having friends. Its about nothing really. That is pretty much my recount of the lecture. I found it pretty interesting and entertaining.

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