tutorial task week 5


Presuming that you are a user of MSN, or other IM programs (or have used it before, or at least know about it)
Besides the obvious differences (such as ActiveWorlds is 3D and MSN isn”t, etc) what are the qualitative differences between the regular IM program and a 3D environment?
What is different about the kinds of socialising that happens in these spaces? Does the 3D aspect make much difference?

The first difference that comes to mind is that in environments such as Habbo, Second Life and IMVU the socialisation is done in a way that imitates real people in a real social setting. In your basic instant messaging program the element of reality isnt really incorporated. You are simply typing words to another person and reading their words in reply. In these 3D chat rooms socialising or chatting as it is more like, can occur in different environments. Second Life (the 3D network that interested me the most) is basically like creating a whole lifestyle in a virtual world, much like sims. You can communicate with different people in the various aspects of your life on Second Life. Socialising can be done essentially with people you know, or dont know. You can plan to meet up with those you do know, or simply find people and chat with them. 3D chatting in most cases involves an avatar, which is a cartoon version of yourself. This adds another element to socialising, because these programs are created to imitate real life, and like real life people judge on appearance, if you avatar isn’t paticularly appealing your level of socialising may be hindered. The name second life implys that you can have a second life, perhaps one where your desires can be fulfilled easier and you can appear to be anybody you like. I have never really felt the urge to venture into Active 3D worlds and neither have my friends, which is ultimately why i’ve had no interest in it. I really do not think there is that much of a significant difference in socialisation done on MSN compared to 3D worlds. In 3D settings there is more emphasis on economic status (as it is possible to be employed and therfore buy things like electronics, real estate etc) appearance, due to the fact that you can create your own imagine, go shopping and change your look at any given time, and intelligence as you can attend university and create things. I think that 3D worlds do allow for creativity that programs such as msn do not but are all the bells and whistles really necessary? Obviously alot is possible in 3D worlds that is not in basic IM programs. I think that applications of the 3D world sort are are encouraging people to be deceptive about their identity, encouraging insecurites and allowing people to feel dissatisfied with there real life as they become too immersed in Second Life. I basically think that these 3D worlds are okay to a certain degree, for some every now and then socialising with friends it is fine. But these programs are pushing people to focus on what they don’t have in life rather then what they do, by allowing them to have literally anything they want in this virtual world. It has gone beyond the basis of standard socialising and communication and has become an outlet for peoples lost hopes and dreams. I would rather stick to boring old IM without all the avatars and buying houses, having a job. I feel that while it is possible to be decieving about your identity on msn that is often done by freaky pedophiles and middle aged woman who are severely bored with there lives, the level of deception done in 3D worlds is on a much larger scale compared to on basic IM programs. I’m content to continue chatting on msn, and am not swayed by all the other elements of communication and socialisation allowed by 3D virtual worlds.
Okay i’m done.
I, obviously, have alot of oppinion regarding this topic.

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