Digital media put the tools of production into the hands of the everyday computer user making it incredibly easy to produce content. These creative skills used to be something that people worked to develop. Now it appears that amateurs can produce content of a fair standard within a relatively short period of time. Where does this leave ‘professionals’ and highly-skilled artists? Choose one area of creativity and discuss some of the challenges facing practitioners vs amateurs in producing digital

The language of new media By Lev Manovich
This book focus on in the first part, the original forms of media ie cinema. It speaks of the current state of film making being because of a digital revolution. It talks of traditional cinema, and obviously the inception of new media is why traditional cinema isn’t as highly regarded anymore. This being the first source I have found, I am not sure if it contains similar information to other sources. This item contributes to my argument by contrasting the new forms of media with old. Showing that before this new technology, professionals were just that and highly skilled artists (directors etc) were given a sort of credit that couldnt be attained easily. And I didnt really see any quotes that would aid my argument.

Masterpieces of modernist cinema By Ted Perry
First of this book talks about what a masterpiece film would be, this would aid be argument as I am arguing that real film makers who really do make masterpieces are being discredited because of the availability and simplicity of being able to create film content through new media technologies. This information was different to the above as it focused on traditional cinema rather than new media. It raised some good points about traditional cinema and film making. There is a good quote in the first paragraph about what a masterpiece film is and also the possibilties of what film could be.

Swimming Upstream: A Lifesaving Guide to Short Film Distribution By Sharon Badal
This book explains what it is you are when you utilise the tools of digital media to produce films. It deems you as an independent film maker. The book covers the topic of blurring the lines between elite film makers with years of experience and an amateur film maker who distributes their work through youtube and other outlets like this. What this contributes to my argument is an understanding of those who are the content creators. I have been yet to find any articles or books outlining the challenges facing film making professionals.

Media in the digital age By John Vernon Pavlik
Right away I can see that this source goes into detail about the forms on new digital media. It talks of devices used to create film content and diseminate it through the use of the web. This would re-inforce my argument that the new technology allowing anybody to create film is making the profession of film making are more general crowd and far less elite. It would do this by in detail explaining the devices that this is done with and how it has become so accessible. There is a quote that says “media professionals have seen their almost exclusive dominion over the world of media content errode rapidly” since the 1980s. The information found here is the first of its kind, explaining the actual digital media itself.

The cult of the amateur: how today’s internet is killing our culture By Andrew Keen
This book I found didn’t actually show its content, it only showed a book overview. In the overview it says that our most valued cultural institutions are at risk due to the internet and digital media and what it allows. It touches on the topic of user-generated free content. The author claims that in todays society amateurism is celebrated and anyone with an oppinion,thanks to the internet can create and post a film online. He also said that new digital media fundamentally weakens traditional media and creative institutions. Although I didnt get to view the article itself I can tell from the overiew that it would well reinforce my argument and would be a good source for my essay. I’m going to somehow try to find the full article if possible.

I’m feeling paticularly enthusiastic today, I am unsure why because I woke up in a horrible mood and as I facebooked ‘this mornings bad mood has no limitations’ anyway, turned out once I created a new outfit from two pieces I never thought to put together my mood was slightly improved. Anyway onto the lecture. Jason Nelson ‘a digital and hypermedia poet and artist’ according to Wikipedia. He talked about the internet as a utopia and claimed that while it has kind of happened, it hasn’t made any money. He basically said that The internet is still chaotic and that we are still confused with what to do with all this technology. Its kind of hard to summarise this as he said alot of different things but i’m trying my best. He mentioned how Rupert Murdoch bought Myspace for about $900 million dollars, which is wow like alot of money and apparently Myspace is dead now. Which I can totally believe because, in 2007 I got myspace, by the end of 2008 I was so so so over it. Poor Rupert. I think they are trying to bring myspace back to life but the truth is, is is well and truly gone. People have discovered Facebook and Twitter (I am so against twitter) I just cannot justify its purpose. I could scrape up some sort of rationalisation for Facebook if I really tried I suppose. He talked about the internet as an experimental space, which is definitley is, i mean what isnt possible online? And if it isn’t possible somebody will experiment to make it possible eventually. Then he showed us a whole heap of sites, like elf town. Pretty much concluded from that that people have some freakish interests and vampire rave. I never knew such sites existed, perhaps I should step outside my internet box and become a member of a weird internet group. Or even better, start a weird internet group. The possibilities are endless.

post secret





I have a new appreciation for new friends, the kind who are up for anything, always want to help, love to make plans, entertain my boredom, help my upload that stupid one minute video tutorial task. Just need to do the other one now.
On the other hand, I would appreciate some civility among my family. While, being away is peaceful, it is also hard when your expected to whip up a solution to an unfixable problem.

This is the slide show i made about my neighborhood!

week 7 lecture


bit late I know, this is based upon the notes i took in the lecture and my memory of what was covered in the lecture. The lecture topic was ‘Free Culture, Free Society’ The key things in relation to this were community collaboration and choice. We talked about the website which is a site dedicated to promoting reasonable copyright and making available licences etc and makes content more freely available. Adam also talked about how software works and about source codes and how they work.

That is basically all I can recall from the notes I took and what I remember 🙂

To start of with this weeks tutorial task I signed an online petition on care2 petition site. the petition was about allowing some artists and film makers to have a festival of films and documentaries featuring issues of the environment in Morrocco.

The blog I found on the news site wasn’t really a political blog, but a blog all the same, the blog was called ‘blog cabin’ and was based around celebrities and gossip from what I read.

Barack Obama’s facebook didn’t tell me what he was up to today, but it told me that he made a speech yesterday to congress and all Americans about health reform.

I found out the local representive for where I live is Councillor Krista Adams on the Brisbane city website, and not that I really needed the QLD government website to tell me this, Anna Bligh is the premier for QLD.

flu loves me


But I hate flu, it stops me from eating, thinking clearly, breathing through my nose, feeling either hot or cold for a whole day instead of feeling hot one second and then freeezing cold the next, concentrating, which let me tell you I need to do with the growing amount of uni work I have. This is basically me having a whinge. I’m entitled to that I hope, I usually take sickness pretty well but it seems being sick is a regular occurance for me. According to my mother I don’t eat enough or the right foods, and this is why I have the flu. I think she is wrong, I think I caught this off my boyfriend who failed to tell me he was feeling unwell. Grr.

Week 6 Lecture


Todays lecture was about video production and consumption This topic was familar to me again having studied film and television in high school. The lecture covered the big screens of life and then also the small screens. Which is speaking about the evolution of technology in media basically. The lecture also mentioned how at current, consumers are increasingly becoming creators in new media through the use of websites like youtube. The tutorial task for this week excited me as it was an opportunity to create some images and use Windows Movie maker which is a program I haven’t had much experience with, having on previously Final Cut and Mac film editing programs.